Top 3 Things to do in Australia

There’s only a handful of destinations that are as rewarding as Australia. Yearlong sunshine, beautiful on and offshore scenery and a ton of engaging activities that suit all holidaymakers across the board.

Surrounded with mostly perfect winds, calm azure waters and abundant marine life, Australia is an ideal destination for water-based activities. She is home to the biggest coral reef network, 74 tropical Islands and features world-class amenities.

You wouldn’t want to miss this unforgettable experience for anything else in the world.

Take a Train Ride Across Australia

From as little as AUD$3,349 per person, you can be off to an adventure across the entire continent. It is a three-day trip the covers 2,979 km of the beautiful tropics, ranges, desert, Katherine Gorge and Red Center.

While this train trip may not be the most luxurious ride you’ll ever have, it comes complete with mouthwatering cuisines, fully-equipped cabins, and lots of entertainment options.

Island Hop with a Chartered Boat

Of the 74 Islands in Austrailia’s territory, 69 of them are inhabited. They have plenty of boat renting services, popularly known as bareboating, that charge approximately AUD$ 400 a night for a six-person yacht. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal, right?

But that’s not all, Australian authorities are not so keen on boat licenses, so anyone can take a crash course and self-drive at any time of the year.

Go on a Fishing Spree at the Pinnacles

Located some 250 KM north of Perth, the Pinnacles desert is home to limestone pillars, white beaches, wildflowers, unique fauna, and lots of fishing spots. And it’s the same place where you get up close with Koalas at the Yanchep National Park.

Lunch at the famous Lobster Shack is typically fish and chips with an option to upgrade to half lobster with fries and salad for only AUD$ 15 per Adult.